Tuesday, 19 March 2019

How Can Insurance Fraud Investigator Dallas Help You?

You might be aware of the truth that insurance fraud is a million dollar problem these days. According to Federal Bureau of Investigation, the approximated loss for life and casualty insurers is $50 billion dollars a year in United States. And, the cost to health insurers can be as high as $269 billion. This is precisely the reason why, small, medium and large companies found themselves on high risk of loss. However, in order to meet the cost factors of small and large companies, these companies significantly need to trim their bottom lines. 
private investigators in Dallas  Texas,insurance fraud investigator Dallas,affordable investigations Dallas

For trimming the bottom lines, a private investigator who is expert in insurance fraud investigation can help. An insurance fraud investigator Dallas can help insurers know and keep what’s theirs, so that they would become capable enough to do what’s right for the individuals who do have legitimate claims. 
Read here top reasons to hire insurance fraud investigator in Dallas -
1. Stolen Four Wheeler -  
The insurer will usually not tell you they suspect you of insurance fraud that is involved in car stealing. Instead you will often be told that your claim is being investigated. When insurance fraud investigator is hired, he/she helps you to get the right insurance claim. 
 2. Health Insurance Billing -
Health insurance fraud often takes years and millions of dollars in false claims to confirm. Medical professionals, who are often seen as pillars in the community, betray that community’s trust.
3. Organized Crime -
The National Insurance Crime Bureau reports that insurance fraud is big business for organized crime groups who have the resources, the people and the know-how to pull off large scale insurance schemes.
4. Road Accidents -
The numbers that individuals will go to stage accidents is likely to amaze you. These crimes are often sophisticated, making them typical to prove. Sentences for this sort of fraud has been periodically rock-bottom, as little as any community service, which makes it a actually low-risk crime.    

Investigative Resources of Texas is the trusted name for affordable investigations Dallas. The firm is well known for offering investigation services such as child abuse, data recovery, insurance fraud, surveillance, computer vulnerability, financial fraud, corporate fraud, infidelity etc. Since 1993, they are experts in surveillance for their potential clients. 

Call now and get proper insurance investigation in Dallas and many more.

Investigative Resources of Texas
PO BOX 181897
Dallas Texas 75218
214-662-1006 (Dallas)
817 -773-1385 (Fort Worth)
832-260-8389 (Houston)
903-941-1406 (North East TX)
512-636-0242 (Austin)
210-381-0587 (San Antonio)
Fax: 214 – 471 – 1017
Attn: Dave Cohen 

Monday, 18 February 2019

Can Your Marriage Survive Infidelity?

The topic of infidelity and cheating spouses is everywhere.We hear about it frequently in the media and have seen the marriages of friends or relatives that have been devastated by affairs. It’s no surprise that many couples internally ask the question, “How would I cope ?” with such a situation if it were to happen to you. It’s particularly common to also wonder if your own marriage could survive such a serious betrayal.

Contact Private investigator East Texas

Some couples can move past infidelity and move on to have even an even better relationship, whereas some cannot. Certainly, there are times when continuing the marriage wouldn’t be recommended. Before you analyze the specifics of the affair from your spouses perspective and look at why the affair occurred in terms of his or her needs, it’s important to look at your own needs. This can be more challenging than it sounds, especially amidst the jealousy and anger.

If you were the one who had an affair, there are several steps you can take if you hope to save your marriage. Foremost you need to stop cheating and lying immediately and own your choice.

What does an infidelity investigation entail?

Investigations will vary based on your needs and the private investigator conducting the investigation. However, many times an affordable investigations Dallas to catch a cheating spouse will include:

Discussion with the client – Before an investigator begins their pursuit of the truth, they gather as much information as possible about the spouse in question, including regular activities and hobbies. Though it may be painful, the more information you share the more successful the investigation will be. For investigators, confidentiality and respect are standard.

Surveillance – A private investigator watches your spouse using advanced surveillance methods to ensure that you obtain the evidence you need. Some of these methods include tracking your spouse’s vehicle, searching their assets, and monitoring their internet activity.

Presentation of Evidence – Evidence gathered by a professional private investigator can not only give you peace of mind via indisputable proof but will also stand up in court for potential divorce settlements.

Investigative Resources of Texas are result oriented private investigators that provide personalized, efficient service in East Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston. For service details, contact private investigator in East Texas at 903-941-1406 or visit us online at www.texasgumshoe.com.

Investigative Resources of Texas

PO BOX 181897
Dallas, Texas 75218


214-662-1006 (Dallas)
817 -773-1385 (Fort Worth)
832-260-8389 (Houston)
903-941-1406 (North East TX )
512-636-0242 (Austin)
210-381-0587 (San Antonio)

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Surveillance Private Investigations Company East Texas


Surveillance is the act of covertly observing. documenting and recording an individual with the intent of learning more about that person’s associations, activities, and movements.

When Is Surveillance Used?

  • Missing person searches
  • Cheating spouse investigations
  • Recurrent theft
  • Worker’s compensation cases
  • Fraud investigations
  • Criminal investigations
surveillance investigator East Texas

Why Conduct Surveillance?

There are a variety of reasons, from investigating crime to locating an individual, to conduct a surveillance investigation.
  • To prevent crime
  • To obtain evidence of a crime
  • To obtain evidence in civil suits
  • To document an individual’s location
  • To document activities in/around a location
  • To obtain information for interrogation purposes
  • To obtain information to be used in court


One of the most important functions that is private investigator perform for their clients is surveillance. Surveillance is one of the most effective and proven methods of getting tangible answers.

Conducting a successful investigation without the help of a professional is almost impossible. Without a surveillance investigator East Texas, a layperson would have to invest in expensive surveillance tools and take time off of work and daily responsibilities.

Whenever you think to contact private investigator East Texas for survillence investigation, remember to keep these tips in mind. Don’t try to save costs at the wrong place, be aware of the practices involved and always trust a professional private investigations company in Texas. Call 214-662-1006 Dallas or 817-773-1385 Fort Worth or 832-260-8389 Houston.

Investigative Resources of Texas

PO BOX 181897
Dallas Texas 75218

214-662-1006 (Dallas)
817 -773-1385 (Fort Worth)
832-260-8389 (Houston)
903-941-1406 (North East TX )
512-636-0242 (Austin)
 210-381-0587 (San Antonio)